Interested in joining Léman? Limited openings available for the 2024-2025 school year. Mid-year enrollments are possible.

Submit an application on Ravenna as soon as possible.

Applications for 2025-2026 are now open. To view upcoming tour dates, click here.

Contact our Admissions Team with any questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the age requirements for applicants?

•pre - 3的申请者必须在申请当年的9月1日或之前满3岁
•申请PreK 4的申请人必须在申请年度的9月1日或之前年满4岁

What are the admission requirements for Léman Manhattan?

The application process is comprised of three key elements: required forms; campus visits and interviews; and admission testing (Grades 6 through 12). 请选择您的孩子申请的年级,以获取有关入学要求的具体信息.

How are the admissions pieces evaluated?

学生的入学资格有多种因素,不朽情缘会全面考虑每个孩子. For Lower School, the student's visit, report from the current school, parent statement and interview aid us in reaching an admission decision. For Middle and High School, 申请的所有六个部分都很重要,权重相等(父母声明), student statement, school report, recommendations, standardized testing, and student visit).

What is a parent meeting?

A parent meeting is a time for parents to meet with a member of our Admissions Team. This meeting allows us to get to know you, and for you to get to know our school. We also look forward to answering any questions that you may have. 该会议将在您提交入学申请后安排,持续约45分钟.

Which applicants are given preference in the admissions process?

Applications from the following candidates will be given priority consideration:
• Children with a sibling enrolled at Léman Manhattan
• Children who have attended Camp Léman
• Families participating in our Early Notification program
• Children of faculty and staff at Léman Manhattan

How do I schedule a visit?

Upcoming tour dates are listed on our Ravenna page. Reservations are required. To schedule a visit please contact a member of the Admissions Team either by email: or phone: 212-232-0266.

How do I contact the admissions team?

We are available to answer any of your questions. Please feel free to contact us either by email: or phone: 212-232-0266.

When can I submit an application for admission?

八月底,曼哈顿学院开始接受下一学年的申请, before Labor Day. 完成的申请将由招生委员会审查,并将连续通知, space-available basis. Should Léman Manhattan be your school of choice, we encourage you to participate in our Early Notification program.

What takes place during my child's visit?

PreK 3, 学前班和幼儿园申请者与年龄相近的孩子一起参加观察游戏小组. 申请一至五年级的学生参加为期半天的课堂参观活动. 初高中学生将与招生代表进行一对一的面试.

When will I be notified about admission decisions?

曼哈顿学院招生委员会根据不朽情缘的录取偏好政策,持续发布录取决定. 通过不朽情缘的常规通知程序申请的家庭通常可以在申请完成日期的一周内得到学校的决定, beginning in early January. 兄弟姐妹和提前通知申请人有更早的通知日期,可以审查 here.

Léman will not receive my standardized test scores until after November 24th. Am I still eligible for Early Notification?

不朽情缘将不早于12月7日通知提前通知家庭他们的录取决定. 这个日期主要用于不需要标准化考试的年级(从幼儿到一年级)。. For other families who have chosen Early Notification, 不朽情缘将在文件完成后立即做出录取决定,而不是等到2月份.

If I wait for the regular admissions decision timeframe, how will this impact my chances for admission?

Due to the high level of interest in the school this year, we anticipate having fewer available spots to allocate. 对于符合条件的家庭来说,提前通知是确保在laciman获得安置的最有效方式.

What are the additional fees not included in tuition?

Tuition provides comprehensive coverage for students' daily needs, including a nutritious lunch and snack program, educational supplies, books, athletic fees, and yellow bus service for eligible students. Please note that uniforms, private transportation, overnight trips, and after-school programming are not included.

How do students get to Léman?

Students walk, ride scooters, take the subway or ferry, or travel by car to school. Situated in Lower Manhattan in a transportation hub, Léman is easily accessible from all neighborhoods in New York City. The 4/5 and 2/3 express subway lines are at our doorstep. With 50% of Léman students living downtown, we are a neighborhood school within walking distance for many families. Our proximity to the West Side Highway and the FDR make car travel from uptown easy. 渡轮服务从lsammen步行一小段路程运送学生从DUMBO和威廉斯堡.

Does Léman Manhattan offer Financial Aid?

Yes, we offer Financial Aid beginning in Kindergarten. Financial Aid is awarded on a first-come, 先到先得的原则贯穿全年,并作为录取决定的一部分传达给家庭.

lsamman Manhattan鼓励有实际需要的家庭申请经济援助. l郁闷曼哈顿申请经济援助是由学校和学生服务(SSS)由全国独立学校协会提供. Based on the information you provide, SSS gives us an estimated amount your family can contribute to educational expenses, which helps us make fair and objective financial aid decisions.

Should I apply for financial aid?

一个家庭应该支付的学费数额是根据家庭的经济需要而定的. 经济需求被定义为家庭资源与其总教育费用之间的差额. 影响经济需要的主要因素包括家庭的净收入和资产, 受抚养人的数量以及上学和上收费大学的孩子的数量. Allowances are made for certain taxes, medical costs, and unusual expenses.

Can only families of modest income qualify for financial aid?

No, 净收入只是决定一个家庭是否有资格获得经济援助的因素之一. 资产、债务和受抚养人的数量也会影响经济援助的过程. lsamman Manhattan的经济援助项目为不同收入水平的家庭提供服务.

Will a request for financial aid influence an admission decision?

No. A request for financial aid will not influence our decision to offer admission. 录取是不考虑需求的,完全基于每个申请人的学术成绩和个人素质. 根据全国独立学校协会的良好实践原则, l横梁曼哈顿采用了不考虑需求的录取流程,将录取和财务作为独立的流程.

Is financial aid automatically renewed each year?

No. Families are required to reapply for financial aid each year.


重大变化可能会影响下一年发放的援助金额. 根据变化的情况,这可能导致援助数额的增加或减少. 此外,助学金预算和拨款的变化可能会影响助学金的数额.

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